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SETT Framework

The SETT Framework – an acronym for Student, Environments, Tasks and Tools – is a decision-making tool originally designed to help collaborative teams gather and organise information that can be used to guide decisions about assistive technology (AT) devices and services that foster the educational success of students with disabilities (Zabala, 1995). 

SETT Framework Resources

SETT Scaffolds

Documents with examples that can be downloaded and adapted to meet LEA or school needs

Articles to Explain and Support the SETT Framework

Joy's published works to facilitate understanding of the processes when using the SETT Framework

Presentations supporting the use of the SETT Framework

Trainings developed, delivered, and shared to support understanding of the SETT Framework


Joy's interviews and other resources to support understanding of the SETT Framework

Universal Design for Learning & Accessible Educational Material

Joy was at the forefront advocating for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Accessible Educational Materials (AEM). 

UDL was viewed as the technology initiative based on the process of building in accessibility and achievement supports that address the diverse learning needs of all students. Universal Design for Learning calls for the use of multiple means of representation to give learners various ways of acquiring information and knowledge, multiple means of expression to provide learners alternatives for demonstrating what they know, and multiple means of engagement to tap into learners' interests, offer appropriate challenges, and increase motivation.

UDL & AEM Resources

Joy's articles to Explain and Support UDL & AEM

Joy's published works to facilitate understanding of UDL & AEM

  • Articles will be added soon

Presentations supporting UDL & AEM

Trainings developed, delivered, and shared to support understanding of UDL & AEM


Joy's interviews and other resources to support understanding of UDL & AEM

Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology

Joy was a leader in establishing the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology and maintained a position on the Quality Indicator Leadership Team. The mission of QIAT is to guide the provision of quality AT services to improve educational achievement of students with disabilities.

QIAT Resources

Joy's articles to Explain and Support QIAT

Joy's published works to facilitate understanding of QIAT

  • Articles will be added soon

Presentations supporting QIAT and QIAT conversations (which should not be quiet)

Trainings developed, delivered, and shared to support understanding of the QIAT


Joy's interviews and other resources to support understanding of the QIAT

  • Media links will be added soon

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